
Showing posts from October, 2013

Monu's World: Pitthoo

The Summer vacations were always a time of too much fun and too little time to enjoy it all. Despite the searing 40 degree temperatures of May and June, the children always managed to enjoy every bit of the vacations, craving for a few days more as July approached signalling the end of the holidays. But till the rains broke out, till the last few remaining days of the summer break got over hurriedly in quick-fix school homework and sunshine or not, the kids never experienced a dull moment. Not even the notorious Delhi loo winds had the strength or the heat to burn away their enthusiasm. Swinging wildly on the swing that hung from Raka's mango tree (sometimes in two's and three's), eating the just-ripening mangoes, sucking on the sweet sugarcane from Raka's  back garden, drinking chilled cold coffee at home and playing till late hours of the evening - that was what the summer vacations meant for the kids. In the evenings the setting sun would bring out lengthening sha...

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