
Showing posts from October, 2023

Of Painful Abscesses and Acquiring a Breather Through Thakkaali Tambuli

  I have been suffering from abscesses all my life. They started bothering me when I was 15 years old. I tried many treatments including Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homeopathy. The latter gave some relief, but the resilient and bothersome abscesses never really left me alone.  So, it was with utter resignation that I noticed a couple of abscesses forming over my belly few weeks ago. Usually, I just dab a bit of prickly heat powder over them and they subside over the course of a few weeks. This time, one proved rather too irksome and decided to burst forth with all insolence. The past few weeks have been quite challenging with my mother having suffered a foot fracture and being incapacitated. I was just coming to terms with the daily grind of cooking, cleaning and looking after the children assuming complete sway over my time, when the dreaded abscesses struck. Once the abscess burst, there was no other option than to consult a doctor. The affected area had become like a battle site with bl

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