A Short Sojourn in the Countryside

I felt like Wordsworth might have felt As he beheld the field of sparkling yellow Daffodils And poured out his spontaneity in immortal words; Or as Tennyson might have dreamed of When he effortlessly slipped into a trance And furiously penned down 'Kubla Khan'. There was so much to see and feel and smell Yet so little time to accomplish all I wanted to! So, I made the most of what little time there remained And took off with my little daughter, her young friend and a cousin in-tow; We needed to hurry for in the countryside winter Dusk falls all too rapidly, even though we be in the tropics! The sights were worth the short trek that we took As trees, fields, shrubs, plants and grass All seemed bathed in the verdant green So typical of the place which had given me my roots And every step that I took, Every breath that escaped my lungs, Seemed to say that it is here that Heaven and Earth merge It is here that the true, pure beauty of se...