From Waste to Taste

That it happens to be World Environment Day today was a mere fact until the time that the clock signaled afternoon. The day dawned just like any other Thursday, on any other week - giving a false sense of hope and gaiety that the approaching weekend would be a source of happiness and fun. Most unemployed mothers look forward to the weekend with an eagerness that is only matched by their children's own excitement at the prospect of the whole family getting together and spending some happy enjoyable time. Most employed fathers and mothers, however, tend to look upon the weekend with relief and as a source of having some really long hours of uninterrupted sleep. So it is in our home too. And as I sat folding the laundry and mulling over the prospect of yet another mirage-like weekend, my thoughts turned to the topic of lunch. There was some food in the fridge and I thought maybe I'd make a light meal. I remembered that some idlis had been left over from yesterday and I planned ...