Spring Onions With Tomatoes

Sometime back, I experimented with a vegetarian recipe. It was a Gujarati dish that I accidentally came across while in a small, nondescript-looking restaurant that we had stopped by while looking for some vegetarian fare. Living in a big city, I have discovered that you don't necessarily have to go to a big, pretentious place to get good food that sets your taste buds clamoring for more. So, more often than not whenever we decide to eat out, we find ourselves looking out for quaint little eateries that are unpretentious and humble enough to advertise their expertise through the medium of their food and service alone. And I am glad to say that we have not been disappointed too often. So, on this particular occasion when I found myself looking at a vegetarian menu that bespoke an impressive array of dishes, I decided to go for something that I had not tried out before. I ordered a dish that comprised spring onions and tomatoes as the main ingredients. Humble you might say, a...