Mango Rice

Yesterday, I described a visit to some friends' home that had left lingering memories in my mind. Well, it was not only the things that I saw that left an impact - there was one other thing that left me rather impressed, and it had to do with my taste buds! After our tour of the house and it's surroundings I had felt rather thirsty and had made my way to the kitchen along with the lady who helps out at our friends' place. As I quenched my thirst with some cool water, she showed me something that she was rather proud of. Earlier, in the garden, she had showed me the saplings of various herbs that had been planted such as mint, parsley, coriander, thyme and so on. Now, she took off the lids from a couple of bowls and showed me their contents. In one I saw some green-colored rice and in the other there was white rice mixed with a yellow-looking substance. She explained that she had tried out two rice recipes and almost all the ingredients were sourced from their garden! Ge...