By a mere glance, a slight brush of fingertips,
A little pressure of a hand as it fumbles to find your own.
Even by the mere proximity of someone
Looking into whose eyes you feel dizzy for a moment
As if the ground had moved beneath your feet.
Your heart gives a little wriggle almost gasping
By the rush of blood which surges through your body,
Opening up every dormant cell within,
And making every miniscule hair stand on end.
The breath catches for an instant,
There is a moment of pure weightlessness
As the body as a whole is lifted effortlessly into the air
And you wish you could rise up and become a feather!
‘Tis said that the human heart can distinguish
An infinite array of emotions and feelings.
But why do we feel sometimes that the heart lets us down
That in its very ability to feel so much
It somehow loses itself
In the flood of these very emotions and feelings
That it can recognize?
Why does the heart become weak?
When faced by choices
Which seem easy enough for the mind to make?
And why, oh why, does it feel so much?
If feelings, like birds, had wings and could fly!
What a sense of relief, of pure freedom would be there,
As one watched one feeling after another
Matured with time, like little fledglings
Getting ready for their first foray into the real world,
Flapping their wings in impatience,
Disappear in a flutter of excited adventurism.
Life is an adventure after all!
For who would have it otherwise - certainly I would not!
And why should it be anything else?
Where would be the unconquered peaks,
The unfathomed depths, the untasted flavors,
Where else will you find fear
Mingled with the insatiable urge to go over the edge,
Even though reason forbids the discovery.
But what if the discovery proves worth the risk?
And what you get is something
Which never even came close to your most intense imagination?
What if in trying to hold water within your palm,
You discover how cool it feels,
How clear are the lines in your palm;
For that very same water had washed the dust and dirt away,
Leaving behind something you never knew you possessed!
Yes, life is an adventure waiting to be discovered,
For each little discovery proves worth the effort
And you grow a little, as you learn to look beyond
The obvious, the predictable, the ordinary,
And find instead that just like the heart which beats rhythmically,
Yet is prone to miss a beat now and then,
And feelings like birds do sometimes develop wings
And fly out in search of a better nestling ground,
Life throws up chances frequently
Which if caught at the proper time,
And allowed to mature,
Can lead up to possibilities ripe with a sense of the unknown
Beckoning one to go and explore,
Without fear or prejudice
Armed only with the eternal light of hope
And clothed with the necessity of self-belief.
Here is one of my poems...I dont if it is half as good as yours :)
ReplyDeleteLife - where is it taking us?
Up and up we go
Everyone wants to move up
Up the ladder of success I mean
Squashing everyone on the way
Breaking every relation we come across
Hurting everyone we love
Up and up we go
Sometimes we stop and wonder
Are we alone?
Where are the others?
Are we too fast or
Are we on the wrong path?
What is the fact?
We don’t stop though
Up and up we go
Never do we reach the top
We imagine its near
Still a long way to go
We remember to call others
But, we missed the chance
We hurt them on the way up
And we don’t stop
Up and up we go
We age early
And we reflect where our life passed
What we did to age so quick?
We reminisce what we missed
We didn’t live life
Forgot what it meant to us
Forgot what loved ones meant to us
Missed every chance to live life
All we thought of was to move up
So, up and up we go