
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Hailstorm

The month of February always brings back memories of hailstorms in Delhi...the wind and rain followed soon by the hail pelting down...sounding like stones on the rooftops...and me sneaking into my balcony (mom was always scolding to come away from the door, for there would inevitably be lightning)...trying to slip a few of the fast-melting icicles into my palms and into my mouth... My earliest memory is of the day after my sister's second birthday when we were shifting house. The day had begun busy and was threatening to end even busier. I was ten and was greatly depressed at having to leave all my friends behind. In between helping out, I'd sigh wistfully at the house we were leaving...some of my happiest memories were inside and around it. The most carefree period of my life - my childhood - had been spent there ad I was going to miss it very badly. As I stood moping about, procrastinating getting onto the bus that was going to take me to my new home...I l...

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